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VHF Usage

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Procedure Log

This procedure has been completed on the following occasions.
Date Member Supplier Cost Comment
2013-11-06 Tim Walsh Link to Ofcoms for Marine VHF licensing


This procedure applies to the following items:

(vr001), (vr004), (vr006), (vr008), (vr002), (vr005), (vr009), (vr010), (vr007), (vr003),

Required Items

The following items are referenced in the procedure and will be required to complete it.

This table is populated automatically with the items that are referenced in the text in the instructions.

Item Attributes In Stores?


                    Anyone can use the VHF to summon help in an emergancy but it is illegal for an unsupervised, unlicensed operator to use the radio for routine traffic and the fine for doing so could be large.  All UBUC boat handlers are briefed on how to use the VHF in an emergency but non emergency use must only be made by or under the supervision of an individual holding a Marine VHF certificate. This certificate is gained by attending a day course of instruction and examination by a qualified VHF examiner. UBUC Skippers holding the Short range license are documented at
                        .  Operation is also covered in the boat handling training material 

                    If the boat has a licensed VHF operator aboard a routine traffic call should be made to the coast guard immediately after leaving the shore and as soon as the boat is away from the shadow of any cliffs to test the radio. Our boat VHF license
                        this call may be made under the supervision of a licensed operator so if you don't have a license it is a good way to familiarise yourself with unit operation also consult

                    At sea if both boats have a licensed operator the policy is to use channel 72 for communication between our two boats unless local circumstances suggest a different policy which should be agreed prior to departure. The radios should be set up on dual watch
                        channel 72/16. If the boat has no licensed operator the radio should not be on unless some defendably emergency situation is developing.  If the radio is on then the skipper needs to arrange to locate the radio where it can be heard and is safe

                    Wash the VHF under cold running tap
                        ,  and charge VHF battery overnight using its

                        Note make sure the correct charger for the radios battery is used.  Some of
                        the icom radios have NiCad batteries and others have Li Ion batteries.  The fittings are
                        identical but these are not interchangable and use of the wrong charger may damage the battery