Procedure Details

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P Comp Service

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Procedure Log

This procedure has been completed on the following occasions.
Date Member Supplier Cost Comment
2015-08-10 Tim Walsh 300.00
2013-11-11 Tim Walsh 500.00 Budget estimate for Portable Service = £500


This procedure applies to the following items:


Required Items

The following items are referenced in the procedure and will be required to complete it.

This table is populated automatically with the items that are referenced in the text in the instructions.

Item Attributes In Stores?
Inlet Air Filter PartNo = Y22445
Anderol 555 oil true


Engineers actions

The engineer will verify and replace Inlet Air Filter and Anderol 555 oil. They should check operation and replace other parts as they can best determine as per <refid id="BP-P10Man" section="3.1"/> (given we don't have an accurate record of hrs run).