A group of four left for Chesil on Sunday 30th June bright and early, leaving at 7:30am and arriving at around 10:30 am. The most direct route there went through many small winding roads through little villages; a very scenic journey but perhaps not the easiest to drive through! We arrived to somewhat disappointing conditions after the nice weather throughout the week, with overcast skies and light rain – especially as we were all in shorts or dresses!




As we all got our kit ready, Becca realised she had forgotten to replace the hose on her set of regs for her wings! Luckily, another group of divers beside us had the right tools to make the replacement. As Simon and Alex got in for the first dive of the day, the weather took a delightful turn with the clouds parting to reveal a lovely sunny day! By the time for the second dive, everyone was sweating!


The dive conditions were very nice with good visibility and a lovely 15 degree water temperature! I distinctly remember feeling warm on the dive – a feeling I could definitely get used to! (that being said I did still have two wetsuits and thermal on). The very steep beach bed meant you could get to a depth of around 12m not too far off from the coast. Lots of marine life from jellyfish, spider crabs and colourful wrasse were spotted, and Simon was even able to find a hermit crab! I’m told there was a sewage pipe but it discharges at least a kilometre from shore though we did find a long pipe and what looked suspiciously like half a toilet plunger!

Unfortunately, there were no nearby changing rooms (there were nearby toilets though) and the car park was a short 2 minute walk away but with the lovely weather it was fine changing out in the open. The return journey was pleasant with everyone having got in some nice dives, and we left around 4pm and got back to Bristol around 7pm.