President: Lewis Hope

Vice-President: Dani Van Rooyen

Diving Officer: Harry Bloomfield

Secretary: Alex Elwood

Training Officer: Liws Kocela

Extended Training Officer: Luke Hamilton

Treasurer: Luis Nunes

Equipment Officers: Jethro Jarrett and Matt Stone

Boats Officer: Alex Clark

Social Secretary: Ben Kemp and Amy Sanders

Sustainability Officer: Corin Schofield

Lewis Hope

If, by some miracle, you have managed to avoid me over this last year, then I should start by saying “Hi”. I’m Lewis, I’m currently a Sports Diver and, as I am sure has been made clear, the new president of UBUC. You will likely see me on every dive trip, usually in the water before the cylinders are even filled. If, by some freak of nature, I am not on your dive trip I will certainly be in the pub drinking the cheapest beer I can get my hands on so please come have a chat!

Dani Van Rooyen
Vice President

Hi I’m Dani, a fifth year Vet student. I love all things ocean and think there’s nothing better than being In the water. I love exploring the underwater world and meeting underwater creatures and think diving is the closest thing to being a mermaid there is. I love UBUC and the family environment it brings. I’ve been on committee for UBUC for two years and am so excited to be Vice President this year and help out wherever I’m needed! If you have any questions or need any help with anything just give me a shout and I’m always happy to assist

Harry Bloomfield
Diving Officer

Hello, I am Harry I’ll be finishing a Masters in Climate Change Science in September 2023 and looking for a job in Bristol. I learnt to dive with UBUC and I am currently undergoing the exams to become an Open Water Instructor. As Diving Officer, my role includes overseeing club diving and making sure everyone is safe underwater.

Alex Elwood

I’m Alex currently a 4th year Computer Science student. I only joined the club last year but have since become thoroughly addicted to diving and love learning new skills to expand my ability for the next underwater adventure. I’m looking forward to giving back to the club as Secretary by helping with memberships and any miscellaneous admin work!

Liws Kocela
Training Officer

Hi, I’m Liws  a (to-be) PhD student who joined the club during my undergraduate years. While I have learnt to love cold water I still yearn for the treat of going abroad and enjoying more than 5 meters of vis. Last year, I helped to qualify many, many trainees and thus decided to take on the crazy role of training officer. You will most likely find me high up in a climbing center or swimming with the fishies on a wreck.

Luke Hamilton
Extended Training Officer

Hello, I’m Luke the extended training officer. After learning to dive with the club I wanted to give back and help organise extended training. I’m a recent UoB graduate who’s staying in Bristol so I’ll be on lots of dive trips.

Luis Nunes
Meet Luis, a student from Bristol, UK, who recently joined the student diving society as the treasurer. With a newfound passion for diving, I wanted to contribute to the community and ensure the smooth operation of our society. Combining my love for diving with my organizational skills and interest in financial management, I eagerly took on the role of treasurer. I will handle the society’s finances with meticulous attention to detail and a strong sense of responsibility, allowing my fellow divers to focus on exploring the captivating underwater world

Jethro Jarrett
Equipment Officer

I’m Jethro, a Biology MSci graduate living in Bristol. I’ve been with the club for three years, and undertaken a couple of roles in the committee. Alongside Matt, I’ll be responsible for making sure all the clubs equipment is in tip top shape, ready for diving.

Matt Stone
Equipment Officer

Hi I’m Matt an aerospace engineering student from the South coast. I qualified with UBUC as an ocean diver last year and am now working on sports diver to take my underwater adventures to the next level. As an equipment officer I’ll make sure to keep all the gear in service and good working condition.

Ben Kemp
Social Secretary

I’m Ben going into 3rd year of Medicine, I joined the society this year after completing the rigorous and demanding Padi OW training over summer. I then fell in love with diving and have been obsessed ever since, my favourite way to show this is by spending all his savings on shiny new gear. Alongsie Amy, I will be responsible for running some great socials this year, get in contact if you have any suggestions or questions.

Amy Sanders
Social Secretary

Hiya, I’m Amy a 2nd year vet student who is (embarrassingly) still completing my OD. I love all things ocean related and spending my free time at the pub, which makes for an ideal social sec. I’d love to hear any suggestions on what socials you want to see and I’m looking forward to organising lots of fun events!

Alex Clark
Boats Officer

I’m Alex a recently graduated Biochemistry student who joined the club 3 years ago. I love to go diving, but also very much enjoy taking the boats out for a spin! In my role as boats officer, I’ll be responsible for the maintenance of the club boats and their engines.

Corin Schofield
Sustainability Officer

I’m Corin. I’m currently going into a 4th year research masters in marine biology, and my love for sealife is what brought me to try diving. As sustainability officer, I aim to get the club involved in conservation projects, as I believe there is a huge untapped potential for dive clubs to really make a difference. As Equality Officer, I will also make sure diving is open to all.

Ray the Seal
Honorary Posthumous Non-Portfolio Officer (NPO)

RIP Ray 2001-2024