President: Harry Bloomfield

Vice-President: Jethro Jarrett

Diving Officer: Will Miller

Secretary: Harry Jones

Training Officer: Ned Piggott

Extended Training Officer: Ellie De Cent

Treasurer: Rami Kersh-Mellor

Equipment Officer: Edu Santana de Vega

Suits Officer: Vidar Marsh

Boats Officer: Liws Kocela

Social Secretary: Becca Hurford and Dani Van Rooyen

Trips Officer: Ben Taylor

Non Portfolio Officers: Alex Clark and Thomas Marinko

Sustainability Officer: Georgia Selvey and Eden Bezalely


Harry Bloomfield
Harry is a Climate Change Science and Policy student who joined UBUC two years ago to gain his diving qualification. After finishing training and recently going on a dive trips to Egypt and Gozo, he is hooked and shows his passion by spending far too much money on broken drysuits. As president Harry’s role includes overseeing the committee and club operations while personally ensuring no members are attacked by sea badgers on dives.


Jethro Jarrett
Vice President
Jethro (right) is a MSci Biology graduate currently living in Bristol. After filling the role of Treasurer last year, Jethro is staying with the club to further pursue his diving hobby. As Vice President, he helps the other committee members and the President in the day-to-day running of the society and is always reachable by email or over a pint at the pub!


Will Miller
Diving Officer

Will was elected to the committee not entirely consensually. He has been diving since 2018 and has previously served as both treasurer and club secretary. He is a Dive leader and has been teaching pool sessions as an assistant instructor for the past year. After a shaky first dive in Wraysbury lakes (near Reading) in 6 degree water, the only way was up. He completed PADI advanced open water and Rescue diver qualifications in Australia, then joined the club when he started his undergrad in 2019. With nothing but amazing organisational skills and a hunger for fresh air and adrenaline, he will be organising trips all over the country in no time at all🤿


Harry Jones
Harry is a 4th year physicist who has recently qualified as an Ocean Diver with UBUC. He plans to gain more diving experience with the club and hopes that diving can take him around the world. For now, though, his main jobs are to oversee BSAC memberships and handle administrative queries. Please feel free to contact him with any membership related questions!


Ned Piggott
Training Officer
Ned is a BSc Ancient History graduate who grew up kayaking and waterskiing on the Kent Coast. As Training Officer, Ned is responsible for organising the training of new divers to help them achieve their Ocean Diver and Sports Diver qualifications.

Never seen far from water, he decided to try scuba diving in his third and final year of university, and became a fully qualified Ocean Diver during his studies, and has achieved his Sports Diver qualification since graduating.


Ellie de Cent
Extended Training Officer
Ellie is a BSc Biology Graduate from UoB and wildlife photographer nerd above and below water! After qualifying in balmy Mexico, she joined UBUC to continue her training and enjoy all the (cold) diving the UK has to offer. Ellie is now a Dive Leader, diving recreationally with the club, recently venturing to Egypt and Gozo, and also diving for work in natural history filmmaking. As Extended Training Officer she is responsible for organising training beyond Sports Diver, please give her a shout if you have any further training in mind!


Rami Kersh-Mellor
Rami is a second year Biology student who joined UBUC last year, determined to meet an octopus. One year in, he has gained his Sports Diver qualification and an addiction to all things marine. As treasurer, Rami hopes to keep UBUC’s finances above water, so he can spend as much time as possible underwater.


Edu Santana de Vega
Equipment Officer
Edu is a PhD student from the canary islands who learned to dive back in 2014 shortly before moving to the UK. It was only when he joined UBUC that he finally braved it to try diving in cold UK waters and get back into it. A recently qualified Dive Leader and assistant instructor, Edu is in charge of keeping all our gear in service, dry and in good working conditions.


Dani Van Rooyen
Social Secretary
Dani is a fourth year vet student who has been obsessed with the ocean her whole life. Growing up by the beach in South Africa and with a family who have spent their lives diving all over the world, she has always been inspired to take up diving. With UBUC she finally got the chance after joining last year to qualify as an Ocean Diver and she is planning on completing her sports diver this new year. As Social Sec she will be planning all the pub socials, events and updates and is also in charge of all the club merch. Feel free to contact her anytime with any queries. She is open to any ideas and suggestions on socials and is always available for any questions.


Becca Hurford
Social Secretary
Becca is a 3rd year BSC sociology graduate with a passion for adventure and outdoor sports. Becca started scuba diving in her last year of university and has been scuba obsessed ever since. She has passed her ocean diver, completing her sports diver now and taking the IFC at the end of October! As Social Sec, this year, becca will be working with dani to create all the socials from boat bar crawls to family events!


Liws Kocela
Boats Officer
Liws is a fourth year theoretical physics student, who initially joined the society to drive some boats but has since realised that diving is a much more addictive hobby. In her role as boats officer she is responsible for keeping the club boats in tip top condition, so you don’t drown on your way to a dive site. Thus she is often seen giving Millie and Ruby a well deserved spanking whenever they try to get out of line; don’t worry, these are our boat engines!


Vidar Marsh
Suits Officer
When he joined the club last year Vidar was a quintessential example of “one of those PADI divers”, having only ever followed an instructor around in warmer waters. Since then, he has both “actually learned how to dive” and learned just how cold UK waters are, particularly when accidentally diving in a 5mm wetsuit at the beginning of April. In his role as suits officer, Vidar is responsible for the club’s wetsuits and drysuits and he hopes to ensure that any new club member renting a suit will have a slightly less traumatic first experience of diving in the UK.


Georgia Selvey
Sustainability Officer
Georgia is a Geography graduate and loves the water. She joined the club in her second year with an interest in becoming an Ocean Diver and has recently achieved her Sports Diver qualification! Georgia’s role involves making sure the club acts sustainably, helping protect the seas we all love to dive!


Eden Bezalely
Sustainability Officer
Eden is a psychology graduate who joined ubuc two years ago to get her diving qualification. As sustainability officer it’s her job to help keep the oceans we dive in safe and clean for everyone. Together with Georgia she will organise charity fundraisers to raise money for sustainable causes as well as organising ocean clean up dives and other sustainability events. Feel free to message her if you have any ideas for events to help our oceans


Ben Taylor
Trips Officer

Ben is (yet another) 4th year Physicist, and a recently qualified Sports Diver after joining the club last year. Ben splits his time between diving and other pursuits, including but not limited to climbing, mountaineering, tennis, muay thai, and (on occasion) his degree. Ben’s role this year is basically planning diving holidays for UBUC! If there’s anywhere you’d like to see the club go to on a trip for a day, weekend, or longer, get in touch and he’ll try to help you to organise something.


Alex Clark
Non-Portfolio Officer
When not pinching scallops, Alex assists various members of the committee with the running of the club. Alex can often be found working in stores, helping trainees at the pool or passed out in Lounge. If you ever need a hand just ask Alex!


Thomas Marinko
Non-Portfolio Officer
Tom is a third year geophysics student who joined last year to teach diving. He has been diving for nearly a decade in far warmer waters, but has grown to enjoy cold water diving. This year he’ll be a non-portfolio officer and is always around to help out with running the club. Always down for chat about diving (or anything!), come to talk to him at socials!