We couldn’t have asked for better weather to begin some of our new Ocean Diver training. With three days of diving and training some new boat handlers it was a very busy trip. We started out with a dive at Crownhill Bay where we began OD training and lots of other UBUCers enjoyed some decent vis and pleasant dives too- I heard a John Dory was sighted!

The second day was spent training 5 new Boat Handlers (luckily the waves weren’t too choppy!) and the rest of the group did some wonderful boat diving of the Glen Strath Allen and Mewstone wrecks. Getting the shot down to the perfect spot took a while which was good practise for the boat handlers but with the help of the echosound machine we found the right place. The vis was spectacular and conditions were great on the first dive although we did get a bit of a current on the second. With a great day of boating and diving wrecks and spotting some sealife, we finished the day with a well deserved trip to the pub.

The final day was spent with some more OD training down at Fort Bovisand where there were many fish and cuttlefish to be seen, while the more experienced divers of the group carried out some more dives at the James Eagan Lane wreck- driven by two of our new boat handlers.


Categories: Trip Reports


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