Louis Shied

A nice late start of 9am saw 17 sleepy UBUC’ers congregating at stores (well, 16.. Meg was late so we had to pick her up). An uneventful drive down to Thurlestone, with the exception that all the cars bar ours went to the other beach (West side). Unfortunately we didn’t Read more…


At last, UBUC have resurrected our annual Skomer trip! 20 or so people spend a whole (or part of) a week down in Pembrokeshire, Wales, diving around Skomer Island. Day 1 After arriving on the Friday night and setting up camp (with only a few cars getting lost on the Read more…

NDAC Training Trip

4 ocean diver and 3 sports diver trainees along with Chris Bainbridge and Damian instructing went to NDAC early saturday morning for a training trip. Weather was poor at the start of the day but there was some sun in the afternoon. Everybody managed to get some lessons done, Tiktian Read more…

West Bay

6 divers (well, 5 on Saturday… Alex was forced to go to a rugby match) headed down to West Bay, Dorset for some charter boat diving. Our trip was organised by Mike Pilkington (ex-UBUC DO), who owns a very nice flat just round the corner from the docks (about a Read more…

Egypt 2015

Day 1 – Poseidon Reef (Check Dive) – by Chris Bainbridge Our boat was moored off the east side of Poseidon Reef, also known as Sha’ab El Erg. The reef itself is located just north of Hurghada, and looks somewhat like a horseshoe. It’s a very shallow reef, reaching a Read more…